I personally use all of these products to this day.


The Liquid Diet Essentials

My Fav Bone Broth

Get Here

Absorb Plus Shake

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LMNT Electrolytes

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Additional Resources

My Favorite Book On Meditation

I've read ALOT of books on meditation and this one takes the cake.  Simple, easy to read, easy to practice, and very effective. 

Get Here

Wim Hoff Breathing Method

Here's a link to a guided Youtube video Wim Hoff breathing session. 

Watch here

Favorite Science Based Book On Healing Chronic Illness

If you want a research based book on what I talk about, this is one of the best books I've found.

Get Here

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. Consult your doctor if you are currently in a flare.  Consult your doctor before trying any of these methods.  This is not medical advice.  I am only sharing what has worked for me from past personal experiences.