Hey, I'm Nate Ohlson,
If we measured health on a -100(terrible) to +100(Healthy AF) scale I started at -100.
At 17 I was diagnosed with severe Crohn's Disease, I spent 6 years on and off over a dozen different medications, until one day I decided enough was enough. I've spent over a decade obsessed with one question: How the hell do I feel better?
I have invested thousands of hours(and $$$), worked with hundreds of clients. I went from chronically sick, depressed and anxious to being in the best shape and health of my life.
Sick Of Being Sick And Tired?
Just follow the steps below
Step #1: Free Courses
If you want to move towards health, start here.
(All Free)
Step #2: Youtube/Podcast
10-20 minutes of the biggest needle movers I've found for health
Step #3: Join Remission Lab Waitlist
The fundamentals, habits, and principles I've learned in the past 15 years that took me from severe Crohns to health.
Step #4: Ready For The Next Level?
Group or private coaching is available to a select few. It's challenging, not cheap, and will stretch you to a level of health and energy you've never experienced.
In A Crohns or Colitis Flare??
Check out this 100% free course on exactly what I would do if I was in a flare again...
Start Feeling Better